
Contact Name
Courtney Floyd
When and where do you meet?
"Garrard County Public Library meeting room
101 Lexington St. Lancaster KY 40444
3:30-5:00 pm the first Friday of the month"
Lancaster 40444
Club Name
Contact Name
Courtney Floyd
When and where do you meet?
"This club is for middle through high school students and is hosted by the Teen Services Librarian at the Garrard County Public Library.

We meet in the library meeting room every other Monday from 3:30-5:00 pm during the school year. In the summer, we meet from 3:00-5:00 pm. Flyers and newsletters inside the library always have the exact club dates, as Mondays are shared with a Gaming club."
Lancaster 40444
Contact Name
Lead Organizer Randall
When and where do you meet?
We meet in a variety of places such as: restaurants, theaters, libraries, homes, parks, hackerspaces, as we have a wide variety of events for attendees. We tend to have more of our events over the weekend due to availability.