We are incredibly sorry for the lack of updates the past few months. Recently life and work took priority, and I deeply apologize!
First we here at ACU would like to wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR!
あけましておめでとうございます (akemashite omedetō gozaimasu)
We wish everyone a year full of fun and anime!
It’s been fun seeing our directory grow this year. In 2019, we expanded our directory to 115 clubs all around the world!
Now would be a great time to review your listing and make any updates necessary. Just search for your listing and fill out this form!
The number of anime film releases in theaters has also been increasing too, which is definitely a good thing. Also, we are getting anime films in theaters sooner after their release in Japan.
With that being said, 2020 will start off with Makoto Shinkai’s Weathering with You in theaters, which has had been nominated for several awards, and had been very popular in Japan. This would be a great opportunity to get members of your club together to attend a local showing of the film.

Weathering with You
Fan Previews January 15th & 16th
In Theaters January 17th
Tickets at gkidstickets.com